From the original 67 applications, with the help of over 40 of our donors, 5 were chosen to pitch their projects at the Grant Awards Dinner. On 22nd October 2019 our donors made difficult choices and decided that…
The winners of the TWO 2019 Primary Grants of $100,000 are:
Camp Kulin – Counsellor In Training (CIT) Program – training 48 previous camp attendees to be ‘Junior Camp Counsellors’ through a structured leadership program over 2 years, including intensive residential workshops and one on one mentoring. This will provide life skills and future employment opportunities for the individuals, enable Camp Kulin to grow and also benefit those who are able to attend Camp Kulin.
Earbus Foundation – HEAAR Youth Project – Health Ears for Aboriginal and At- Risk youth – deliver ear health screening, surveillance and treatment pathways to Aboriginal and at-risk children in eastern and southern suburbs of Perth. To reduce the rates of chronic ear disease, hearing loss and referrals for surgical intervention due to Otitis Media. 1340 children screened over 2 years with benefits to their hearing, their education, their families, schools and communities.
Equally worthy but just being pipped at the post were the following three organisations:
Ishar Multicultural Women’s Health Services – Peri-Natal Support Program – provide initial individual counselling, ongoing weekly support group and yoga classes for 80-100 refugee and migrant women, as well as access to support and social workers. To reduce social isolation and focus on prevention and early intervention measures for post-natal depression.
One Voice Mobile Showers – Mobile Showers Service WA Expansion – fund a project manager for 18 months who will form collaborative partnerships with existing specialised support services and also organise teams of volunteers to support the running of a new (separately provided) shower truck. Currently able to achieve 11 showers and around 13 instances of support per day, may be able to double that.
Type 1 Diabetes Family Centre – Welcome to Type 1, an online education course for people diagnosed with type 1 diabetes – develop and launch Australia’s first online education course covering medical management matters as well as often under-considered issues related to the condition. It will include video presentations accompanied by interactive quizzes and downloadable learning materials. To educate, inform and reassure the 11,000 sufferers, their families and communities in WA (as well as nation- and world-wide) at their own pace.