How Impact100WA Works

Impact100 WA is a collaborative giving group that pools its donations to make a significant difference in areas of need – proudly started here in Western Australia.

It is a modern take on philanthropy that’s 100% transparent.

It is a simple idea that’s having a big impact – 100 members each give $1,000 and one vote to decide where that $100,000 goes.

100% of all $1,00 donations go straight to fund transformational grants.

$2,725,000 collected and granted, to date!

45 different beneficiaries

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2024 Top Ten Applicants Selected

Over 30 engaged Impact100 WA donors (along with a couple of their friends) came along on the 12th June for our 2024 1st Assessment Evening. Robin’s famous sausage rolls and …

Let’s try this again!

We have a date for the 2023 Grant Awards Dinner 2.0 We’ll be gathering on Tuesday 28th November 2023 With huge thanks to Fraser’s, we are delighted that we will …