Be part of a giving community

One of the best aspects of our collective giving model is the opportunity to get more involved.

Ways you can get involved:

    • Join us, donate and become a member
    • Meet like minded people
    • Nominate WA Charities that you are passionate about
    • Come to assessment evenings
    • Come on site visits to find out more about WA charities
    • Participate at the Annual Grant Awards Dinner
    • Join a Focus Area Committee
    • Volunteer with the charities you meet
    • Vote for your preferred charity
    • Follow us on our socials to get updates on events and important dates
    • Sign up for our newsletter to get important announcements

Please feel free to contact us and express your interest.


Many of our applicant charities are actively in need of volunteer time and we can skill match and connect you directly where your input might be most useful.

This could be anything from joining boards, to occasionally helping with budgeting, stock management, strategic planning, mentoring, or being hands on deck for events or program delivery.

Volunteering can be one off, regular, or recurring, and it is a great way to get close to the action as well as being helpful and making purposeful use of free time.

Impact100 WA Focus Area Co-Chairs & Sub Committees (FA groups)

Each year we need donors to help us read and review applications and select the eligible, interesting and strong project proposals within each of our five focus areas to go forward into wider assessment.

Every donor has the ability to join a focus area group and participate in discussing the merits of applicants or raising concerns and questions to be followed up.

FA groups generally meet once annually before the First Assessment Evening and each FA group reviews anywhere between 5 to up to 15 initial applications.

Focus Area Co-Chairs

Focus Area Co-chairs are responsible for organising and attending site visits for final applicants (August/September).

Between May to September each year 2 people are chosen as Co-Chairs to assist the committee on the annual round ahead. All Co-Chairs must be donors.

There are 5 different focus areas – Health & Wellness, Education, Arts and Culture, Family & Communities and Environment.

Their position is highly acknowledged throughout the process, as they are pivotal to the success of how Impact100WA continues to find and support worthy recipients each year.

By June the Co-Chairs will have hosted an event (usually at their home) where a few donors are welcome to decide which applications should go through to the 1st Assessment evening held later in June.

These same Co-Chairs will present at the 2nd Assessment evening, helping donors with their vote to who goes through to the Grants Assessment Dinner in October.

The other important job they do is organise site visits, by mid August each year, along with reference checks and a written report (made available to each donor).

Impact100 WA Sub-Committees

Do you have experience in event management, marketing, web design, PR or social media?

We would love to have extra help shoring up our resources across any of these areas – we can never have enough experience or hands to cover the workload!

Corporate Sponsorship

Imagine if Impact100 WA had 500 members, giving away $500,000 per year with 5 major, game-changing grants – enough for one for each focus area!

We think we can do it BUT we need a little help from our friends! Becoming a corporate sponsor can unleash our potential by enabling funding to go directly into resources such as events, videos, case studies, pr work and social media to bring in new members and keep current members engaged.

Corporate sponsors not only get the feel good factor of aligning and supporting a local, established philanthropic brand, but staff have a platform to engage with, even champion a particular charity with opportunities to volunteer, fundraise etc.

Private Ancillary Fund?

Perfect! While PAFs cannot donate directly to the Australian Communities Foundation (of which Impact100 WA is a sub-fund) we can arrange for PAF money to be contributed directly to the successful applicants.

Membership Drive

The best way to grow our number of donors is through organic growth. We love it when our donors want to share their collective giving experience with their network and we can supply speakers (from our committee and/or previous applicants/winners) as well as promotional materials, photos, banners etc for coffee mornings, afternoon teas, evening soirees etc.

Once again, if you are interested in getting involved, please contact us and let us know!