Here we offer some updates from various past and current recipients of Impact100 WA Primary Grants.

To read more about the organisations, click on their name to visit their website. We also recommend checking out their Facebook pages to read more current news.


2016 Winner – Sensorium Theatre

Our grant funded the inception of their Sensory Storytime program and in 2020 they were still hunting for bears, stewing up wombats, waiting for the big rain and generally having a marvellous time telling sensory stories to schools and libraries across metro Perth. With funding beyond our grant successfully sourced, this year they delivered 75 storytelling sessions to 200 children, despite the interruption of Covid-19.

Having also successfully applied for funding from the Lotterywest Covid 19 Relief Fund, they will be training up additional performers and working with new playgroups and schools in 2021.

These guys have also just won the Pinnacle Award for Producer of the Year at CircuitWest’s theatre industry awards.


2019 Winner – Earbus

By gathering the support of a few organisations and with our $100,000 Primary Grant last year, Earbus successfully got their Perth Metro mobile children’s ear clinic kitted out and on the road, including conducting a proper smoking ceremony to send it on its way.

They have navigated a tricky year with all the travel restrictions but were granted exemptions in many places because they are essential health workers. In fact, across WA in 2020, they reached 117 locations (up from 70 last year) and screened almost 5200 children, a 30% increase which includes 2463 new children.


2018 and 2020 Winner – Dismantle

Having won our $100,000 grant in 2018, Dismantle had got their ReNew Property Maintenance social enterprise program underway. A big boost to this program has been their successful placement on the WA Local Government Assoc preferred supplier list, enabling them to put in tenders with local governments across the Perth metro.

They managed to survive through Covid with some careful management and our 2020 grant of $50,000 is funding their Work Development Program and the employment of Jess as case manager for the young people working through Dismantle.

Click on this link to read a great article that helps explain what their mission is and how they are working towards achieving it.


2015 and 2020 winner – Kalparrin

These guys didn’t waste any time in getting going: they have been running their proposed Parent to Parent Online Peer Support Group for a whole term already! They ran two groups of 8 -12 families and it has been very successful. With almost all of their families having children with serious medical needs, this online support has been vital for parents stuck at home during Covid.

Kalparrin were also the recipient of one of the two YoungImpact grants this year of over $1,500 each.

The young philanthropists’ visit to the Perth Children’s Hospital to drop off the funds gave them a great insight into how some kids have to live in the hospital and how philanthropy and volunteering are a vital part of the successful functioning of the hospital. They then had the satisfaction of knowing that they are part of that support.



2017 and 2020 Winner – CARAD

In 2017, our $100,000 enabled them to purchase the FareGo Food Truck and get their social enterprise underway to train and employ their clients while also creating connections with the community around them.

When Covid hit they had to cancel many, many bookings and park up their truck while also assisting their clients, who have no safety nets, to survive the lockdown and restrictions.  Their raised profile as a result of our grant meant that they had more resources to call on to help them through this period.

With our $50,000 grant this year, they are employing the super capable Veronica to co-ordinate the FareGo Food Truck opportunities and this has already resulted in them being taken on to run the FareGo Canteen at Warwick Senior High School. Better nutrition in the school, even more awareness of the organisation, jobs for their clients and an income for CARAD – what more could they ask for? Apparently the kids love the food, too.

For more information and to see ways you can help, check out this link to their latest newsletter.


2020 Winner – Midlas

This is a great organisation providing all kinds of support for the vulnerable and disadvantaged out of their Midland-based office. They used our grant to purchase a truck that is being tailored into a mobile office. This will enable them to widen their reach by having a presence right where other services are provided to homeless people. To ease the process, they have been consulting with our previous winners Earbus and CARAD who now have plenty of experience with trucks!


2020 Winner – Ishar

Ishar Multicultural Women’s Health Services, based in Mirrabooka, were already on our radar after winning a Runner-Up grant in 2019. They used this as partial funding for developing a series of videos for their Healthy Minds, Healthy Bodies, Happy Hearts program and you can see a sample by checking out this link.

One of the outcomes of Covid-19 has been a huge rise in the number of Domestic Violence cases and Ishar do a huge amount of work to support the women affected by it.

Our 2020 grant of $50,000 has enabled Ishar to launch their Daring to Speak – Family & Domestic Violence Support program and provide counselling and social work services in the high-need area of Gosnells.

In a great outcome, Ishar will also receive $200,000 in funding from the state government to continue this program for two years beyond the acquittal of our grant:


2020 Winner – Zonta House Refuge Association

These guys also work to improve the lives of women at risk of or experiencing Family or Domestic Violence and their grant of $50,000 from us has gone towards continuing their Future Employment Connections program, which provides comprehensive support to improve the chances for their clients to participate in the community and achieve sustainable outcomes. As part of this, in September this year they signed an MOU with a gift box company who will be able to provide employment for some of Zonta’s clients.

In a nice turn of events, some Impact100 WA donors were able to deliver all sorts of items that had been donated directly to Midlas but that they felt would be more useful to Zonta!


Runner-Up in 2020 – Blue Room Theatre

While we were all disappointed that this awesome arts organisation didn’t receive a Primary Grant to enable them to activate the Perth Cultural Precinct, they did get $10,000 from us on the night. Then they received $12,500 in donations directly from some of our engaged donors as a result of their powerful pitch!

And to make things even better, they are now doing a collaboration with the Perth Festival to perform a piece called MoveMoveMove that moves across 3 locations in the Perth Cultural Centre so they are achieving what they set out to do.

Tickets are available from the Perth Festival website.


Runner-Up in 2020 – Darling Range Wildlife Shelter

An organisation in our Environment Focus Area that were so close to getting our full grant… but they DID receive $10,000 from us and on the night an anonymous donor were convinced that they could do great things with an extra $10,000. We don’t put any requirements on the Runner-Up grants but we know the funds will be well-spent.

The good news for them is that YoungImpact chose them as one of their recipients this year so as well as raising over $1,500, these budding philanthropists also made the trip out to do some volunteering. They were well and truly hands on as they prepared some of the animal food for the rescued wildlife.


Runner-Up in 2020 – Fair Game

Such a great concept and they have already made good use of the $10,000 Runner-Up grant they received in August.

They collaborated with the City of Gosnells and others in the pilot project Equip-Me for Sport, where they were able to donate all sorts of sporting equipment to 79 children aged 5-16 years old.

With subsequent extra funding of $15,000 received from two of our donors at our Grant Awards Dinner they will be able to repeat the project for the 2021 winter season in Gosnells.